Full Name:Rey Adrian Miller
Shape-Shifter Race: the ones in legends or the origonal shape-shifters as he calls it
date of brith/era born: may 28, 1995
powers: is able to change into any shape or forum (though he hates inanimate objects and rarely,or practically never,changes into them)
allergies/weaknesses:hates other races of shape-shifters and like the rest of his race believes his race of shifters to be elite(sp??)
appearance/ description:he is 6'1", muscular and athletic body,dirty blond hair, hazel eyes, has a look that he is either a really good thinker or out of it alot.
personality:funny, born leader though he only takes charge when needed,allwayd puts others before himself,hates to fight but can beat the crap of most people.
country of origion:USA
bio*:rey lived an average life got got good grades. He was the captin of his travel hockey team,and the goalie for his lacrosse team.his little sister was practically the devil.he knew he was different sense he was 3 years old but only found out when he was 13.thought it unfair that no one told him but got over it.
partner:alive, Aisling-Blaise
ring of identification description:a black ring with rubyies on it that spell the letters SS
notes:nope but it's finished now I think